Energy performance
There is 3 criteria that must be met:
1. Space Heating Demand - Energy required to maintain indoor temperature of 20 degrees all year round. This refers to space heating only as it does not include hot water etc. it must be </ 15 kwh/m2/a.
2 Heating Load - Energy required to maintain indoor temperature of 20 degrees on a given day . It must be </ 10 w/m2.
3. Primary Energy demand - Total energy consumed for all requirements (Space heating, water, heating, electricity and ventilation). It must be </ 120 kwh/m2/a. A low primary energy demand ensures a low carbon footprint as energy generation using fossil fuels is kept to a minimum.
Retrofitting - EverPHit Standard
It is not always possible to bring older houses up to passive house standard. For this reason EverPHit standard was developed. It is slightly lower than Passive house standard. This allows for 10 air changes per hour / 25 kwh/m2/a. Passive house is 0.6/15. The advantages of this is reduced Co2 emissions, improve thermal performance of house, reduce heating costs, improve thermal comfort.
Key Considerations for Retrofit to everPHit standard
Thermal efficiency - Additional insulation, replacement of windows and doors with triple glazed units.
Ventilation using MVHR unit.
Maximise solar gain - south facing glazing , roof lights, open plan layout to allow deep penetration of sunlight etc. - This is something I've looked closely at in my design.
Airtightness of building envelope
Optimum thermal comfort for occupants - space heating demand </ 25kwh/m2/a.
Installation of renewable energy systems to reduce carbon footprint.
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