
Showing posts from April, 2021

Surface Drainage for surface water and foul water

The two main places where surface water gathers are the roof and paved areas. Surface water has become more of a problem in recent years due to the increasing number of homes being built in urban areas. Siting buildings on previously undeveloped land means that the land absorbs less water than it would if there were no buildings, and this in turn increases the volume of surface water. Why I chose this system was because foul water is directed into the sewer system and piped to a treatment plant as it is soiled. The surface drainage will run off water which is kept clean so it is kept separate. It could possibly be stored in an underwater storage tank and reused for non sanitary purposes if the correct filters are used to clean the water of leaves and dirt. This system can be used for flushing toilets, watering plants etc but cannot be used for showers or tap water.

Parallel Wiring

For my house I have opted to go with parallel wiring than opposed to series wiring. It is much more commonly used within a home. It is a reliable method pf wring as failure does not affect all devices/bulbs. A parallel circuit is also a closed circuit where the current divides into two or more paths before coming back together to complete the full circuit. Here, the wiring is configured so that each device is in constant contact with the main circuit pathway. A parallel circuit has many such "off-ramp/on-ramp" loops, so that a failure in any single loop never shuts down the entire circuit. Outlets, switches, and light fixtures are wired in such a way that the hot and neutral wires maintain a continuous circuit pathway independent from the individual devices that draw their power from the circuit

Water Supply

For my house I have went for an indirect cold water supply system as it can reserve the supply of water if mains fail. There is constant pressure on all taps, except the kitchen tap and there is also an overflow fitting fitted to storage tank to prevent water damage due to overflow.  The indirect cold water supply system directs the mains water coming into the house in two directions, one up to a storage tank or the cistern in the attic and the other to the kitchen tap. It is fed off to individual appliances from the cistern. The only outlet coming directly from the mains is the kitchen tap. This tap is the source of clean drinking water for the household. The tap is also the only high-pressure outlet in the system.  I have chosen the indirect hot water supply because it reduces stress on boiler due to regulated temperatures. There is no build up of limescale as the same water is being reused and radiators can be connected to the system. The indirect system is much more common...


Heat loss is a huge problem in buildings. Insulation plays a major part in reducing the cost of heating a dwelling because it prevents heat escaping.  I have decided to mainly use Expanded Polystyrene Insulation (EPS) in my house as the material consists of pre-expanded polystyrene closed-cell foam beads, which are moulded and pressed together with heat to form a rigid board. The numerous pockets of air within the board make it and excellent insulator. The boards are suitable for insulating cavity walls and sub-floors which I have taken advantage of throughout my house. Why is insulation necessary? Thermal Bridging has led to improvements in the placement and required dimensions of insulation. A thermal bridge is an opportunity for heat to transfer from inside the building straight to the outside, with no air gaps in between. This can be cause by insufficient insulation and it leads to condensation. Vertical insulation around the floor slab prevents heat transfer between the extern...

Universal Design

Universal design  details the areas for lifetime use for all users when building a home.  Accessibility is extremely important for particular users such as the elderly, people with disabilities and young children to navigate around a building. The approach to the dwelling is important for wheelchair users. The access route must be a minimum width of 900mm.  Inclusive design meets the needs of all users regardless of their age, gender, race and mobility abilities. It also is about creating places that can be enjoyed by people from all Cultural & Socio - economic backgrounds. Providing steps and ramp access promotes an approach which allows all people to use space in the same way and on equal terms. I have ensured that the layout of my houses both internally and externally should accommodate access to all types of people, young and old, the physically able and disabled. The front entrance of my house is on the same level as the footpath outside to accommodate ...

Stairs Calculation


Supergrund foundation

As we are building energy efficient homes they require insulated foundations to prevent heat loss. This is particularly important at the joint between the external walls and the floor. Insulated foundations are different to traditional foundations as their is a continuous layer of insulation from the floor to the wall which means their is no heat loss occurring at the wall-floor junction. This often occurs in traditional foundations where their is no thermal break between the inner leaf of a concrete cavity wall and the ground. Insulated Foundation have a number of advantages such as:  They require minimal excavation, so there is less impact on the landscape. They use much less concrete and have lower embodied energy than traditional strip foundations. They prevent thermal bridging at the wall-floor junction, which reduces energy bills and CO2 emissions. They are quick to construct. Disadvantages include: They require a high level of workmanship and attention to detail. A specially...